85 Beautiful CSS box-shadow ready to use, click to copy!

There’s a quick 1-line code that you can use it right now to make your website prettier, and not many people know about it.

It’s called box-shadow. It can turn ugly websites into pieces of art.

What’s “box-shadow”?

It’s a CSS rule that you can apply to any widget/element of your website (via Custom CSS if you’re using WordPress).

It creates beautiful shadows on your elements, highlights elements, and creates depth on your design.

One of the reasons I created CSS Scan was because I’m always interested in knowing how some websites make their box-shadow.

So I made a collection of my favorite box-shadow on the internet, and I’m sharing it with you, right now, for FREE!

CSS Scan: CSS Box-shadow Examples

🎨 A curated collection of 85 FREE box-shadow examples from some of the most beautiful websites on the internet:

👉 https://getcssscan.com/css-box-shadow-examples

💖 Bookmark it on your browser (keep it on your favorites) and use it whenever you need it for your projects!

👉 How to use it on your websites:

Go to the website, click on the box with the shadow that you like, and it’ll copy its CSS box-shadow rule. Add that on your widgets/elements’ CSS code and you’re ready to go!

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